
Bayer is a major player in the healthcare industry. Amongst other, Bayer produces and services injection systems for diagnostic imaging purposes. It is essential that these injection systems are available for the medical teams in hospitals and clinics at all times. Therefore proper spare parts management ranks high on the list of Bayer. In other words, getting the right parts at the right place against minimal costs.


First time fix for maintenance engineers due to the deployment of an accurate spare parts planning tool.

In close collaboration with Gordian, Bayer defined a phased approach to implement Gordian’s Spare Parts Management tool (Lanza) in its organisation; an advanced but intuitive spare parts planning tool. First the focus was on Bayer’s central warehouse and as a second step also van stocks were connected. After having understood the various supply chain business processes, Gordian and Bayer were able to sketch the data and IT requirements for the implementation of a data interface and application. After that a User Acceptance Test (UAT) was conducted and a system training was provided. In a phased approach Bayer decided to use the tool on its own for 3 months. Bayer used this period to learn and conclude if they would expand the scope to more sites and vans throughout Europe. At the time of writing Bayer concluded to continue with the expansion.

Software is a piece of code, software deployment is winning people over to use it.

Stijn Wouters

Product Manager


Providing the solution

To find the right balance between availability and costs Bayer asked Gordian to implement an advanced spare parts planning tool. This tool should be easy to use, enable them to calculate accurate inventory parameters and generate spot on reports to get the right buy-in from the business. Bayer is a large organisation with a substantial number of stakeholders, so proving the right strategy with the right figures in the right format is essential.


Complete, simple, flexible

Bayer’s feedback was clear. Lanza is a complete, simple and flexible tool that gives the planner the ability to calculate inventory parameters, get triggers on exceptions and to generate quick analyses on any deviations in parameters and performance if required. And the journey is still ongoing. With the global scope of Bayer both parties are looking forward to see if and how global deployment of Lanza can be realised.


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Stijn Wouters