In the niche market of spare parts supply chain management, companies that own many assets, original equipment manufacturers and maintenance service providers each have their own spare parts management-related goals and accommodating challenges. The story of our name and philosophy is a tale of vision and an unwavering commitment to solving these complex challenges with creativity and boldness.

A journey from vision to innovation

Our journey began with our founder, Jan Willem Rustenburg, whose fascination with spare parts management traces back to his naval years as an engineering officer. During deployment, frequent spare parts shortages often left him reaching for aspirins. Tasked with finding a solution, Jan Willem quickly grasped the transformative potential of proper spare parts management (SPM). The opportunity to drive innovation in practice with science-based principles ignited and fuelled his love for the field even further.

Initially, Jan Willem envisioned a company named “Spare Vision,” reflecting his goal of creating efficient spare parts management solutions. However, a playful critique from his brother-in-law highlighted the awkwardness of the name’s wordplay, prompting Jan Willem to seek a more fitting moniker.

The breakthrough came most unexpectedly …

Inspiration strikes

Coincidentally, Jan Willem and his business partner watched a documentary on Alexander the Great and the Gordian Knot one evening. The story of Alexander boldly cutting through the seemingly impossible knot struck a chord with both of them.

“It symbolised the approach we wanted to take in our business—tackling complex challenges with innovative and straightforward solutions,” explains Jan Willem. Inspired by this ancient Greek legend, Jan Willem knew “Gordian” was the perfect name for the company.

Embracing complexity with simplicity

We unravel intricate supply chain issues with simple yet effective solutions across various sectors. Whether your needs include:

  • Gaining more control over spare parts planning to improve inventory availability,
  • Ensuring rapid access to spare parts to minimise downtime and enhance asset availability, or
  • Balancing lead times with bulk buying to maintain a cost-effective inventory without frequent small purchases …

Our approach mirrors Alexander’s decisive stroke—strategic, bold, and unorthodox. This philosophy sets us apart in the industry and underscores our commitment to thinking outside the box and delivering exceptional results. We effectively manage the complex requirements of each client by leveraging our deep market knowledge and expertise in consulting across various sectors and client types. In addition, we offer different levels of planning services, comprehensive training and Lanza, our advanced, system-agnostic spare parts management application.

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A lasting legacy

To this day, the story behind our name is a powerful reminder of our mission. It symbolises our dedication to cutting through complexities and achieving excellence in spare parts supply chain management. It guides us as we take on the most challenging supply chain problems with creativity and determination.

Partner with us, to optimise your spare parts management and become part of our success story.

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