Planning Services
In order to be able to meet new availability agreements with customers, Alstom was looking for structural support for stock planning with tooling and tactical planning capacity. Through Planning Services, Gordian provides various services to Alstom. Every month we use the Gordian Spare Parts Management tool Lanza to analyze exceptions, such as a peak in historical consumption or in the delivery time. We provided the entire range with new logistics parameters. In addition, Gordian helped the tactical stock manager in compiling a monthly KPI report, including setting out improvement actions. With a multitude of quantitative and qualitative analyses, Gordian contributed to the continuous improvement of Alstom’s logistics chain. Think, for example, of research into remediation or the analysis of SLA contracts
Tailer-made logistics tooling
Several processes were insufficiently supported by modern software solutions, both in the implementation and in the field of reporting, causing unnecessary delays and errors. In addition, management had insufficient insight into the performance of the processes for which they are responsible. Gordian supports Alstom in the optimal design of the ERP system and the development of tailor-made tooling, if this system cannot meet the stated need. Resulting in daily processes that are carried out without undue delay. Thanks to improved insight into performance, management can make timely adjustments and is back in control.
As a result of the collaboration, Alstom is able, where necessary, to quickly call on Gordian’s knowledge and capacity, both on a project basis and on a structural basis. This has now led to improved processes and performance in several areas.