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Is Spare Parts Inventory Management as Easy as Breathing?

Neglecting spare parts management? Symptoms may include overloaded warehouses and obsolete stock.

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Blog, English

The Story of Gordian

Unraveling complex supply chain issues with bold, unorthodox solutions inspired by the Gordian Knot.

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Blog, English

Why can’t I repair my coffee machine?

Right to repair: Empowering consumers, benefiting manufacturers, reducing environmental impact.

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Blog, English

Building bridges between Business and IT

Bridging Business and IT for Successful Project Delivery.

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Blog, English

Three tips for designing a dashboard 

Keep dashboards simple with clear goals, limited KPIs, and indicators to diagnose performance issues...

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Blog, Dutch

The Gordian Gambit: een opening naar beter voorraadbeheer

Voorraadbeheer: vooruitdenken, gericht zoeken, inlevingsvermogen.

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Blog, English

Bounded rationality in spare parts management

Strategies to mitigate the impact of bounded rationality on decision-making.

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Blog, English

Unlock service supply chain efficiency with the power of gaming

Optimising service chains through gaming dynamics.

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Blog, English

The spare parts management hike

From prep to summit, spare parts management is just like hiking.

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Blog, English

Avoiding production downtime in the beverage industry

Optimising spare parts management ensures smooth production despite fluctuating demand.

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