Jan Willem Rustenburg

Managing Director Gordian

A problem can spark passion. Jan Willem’s fascination with spare parts management traces back to his naval years as an engineering officer. During deployment, frequent spare parts shortages often left him reaching for aspirins.

After being tasked with finding a solution, Jan Willem quickly grasped the transformative potential of proper spare parts management (SPM). The opportunity to drive innovation in practice with science-based principles ignited and fuelled his love for the field even further.

SPM’s impact extends beyond the financial realm because it affects people’s work lives and job satisfaction. When done well, SPM fosters harmony among conflicting interests and generates employment opportunities.

Hailing from the Netherlands, Jan Willem embodies the characteristic Dutch directness. If you need to challenge the status quo, Jan Willem and his team are the right partners for you. He relishes catalysing change and facilitating innovation in support of organisational objectives.

Want to know more?

Take the first step towards more efficient spare parts management. Contact us or learn more about our solutions.