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EPZ (Borssele Nuclear Power Plant) Is Investing Energy In Improving Stock Control For Spare Parts

At the beginning of 2020, Gordian carried out a performance and maturity scan on behalf of EPZ. The aim was to identify possible improvements in the spare parts management of EPZ and the associated logistics processes. Based on this research, EPZ decided in July of that year to start a pilot for EPZ’s “fast” and “medium movers”. Using Gordian’s Spare Parts Management Studio, Gordian calculated the optimal stock parameters for this part of the stock. EPZ will assess the outcome of this intervention in 2021.


Obviously we are very curious about EPZ’s experience and hope that this will lead to a full implementation. Based on our scan, a significant improvement for EPZ in terms of stock value, operational costs and stock availability seems possible. If you don’t get energy from that?


The Electricity Produktiemaatschappij Zuid-Nederland (EPZ) is a Dutch electricity producer. EPZ owns the Borssele nuclear power plant and is therefore the largest electricity producer in Zeeland, the Netherlands.

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