Ministerie van Defensie – CLSK/LCW

“Royal Netherlands Airforce invests in organisation with training. “

“A structural knowledge injection by means of the SPM training is essential for a professional logistics planning organisation at the RNLAF”

Stijn Wouters Product Manager


Acquired knowledge applying in own environment

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The spare parts management training provides knowledge and skills to the RNLAF organisation, in particular on a tactical level. The training consists of 8 modules varying from basic statistics, demand forecasting, and inventory control for both consumables and rotables.

To be self-sufficient it is important that people can reproduce what they learn. This is facilitated by exercises during and after each module, as well as client specific cases after they finished the theoretical part. The participants define goals themselves and come up with a plan of approach to reach these goals. Finally they present their case in front of the management.


Hands-on tools in a sustainable organisation

Resultaat - Lorum ipsum

The SPM training combines scientific models with practical examples which adds value to the organisation of the RNLAF. Participants want to apply the theory as soon as possible and this training provides tools and methods to do so. The cases show that there is a lot of potential in terms of inventory reduction while service levels are maintained. This is an important by-product of the client-oriented SPM training.
Finally the level of knowledge and expertise within the organisation is aligned and kept at a consistently high level. Decisions can be made more rapidly and effectively. In fact, the RNLAF became more sustainable and is ready for the future now.

> download the client case of LCW

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