News and publications

Service Logistic Experience

The Future of the Service Supply Chain

We hosted our first Service Logistic Experience. Together with Topsector Logistiek we organised an interactive session about the service supply chain of the future. We discussed innovations such as Service Control Tower, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Additive Manufacturing and Extended Reality.

A special thank you to our guest speakers Thomas Brekelmans, Darren White, Richard van Steijn and Wanda Manoth-Niemoller. Your striking real life cases got the audience enthusiastic.

Join us on the next Experience
Are you interested in leveraging innovations to make your service supply chain future proof? Make sure you attend the next Experience. Stay tuned, more information to come. Feel free to contact us if you are too excited. In the meantime, get inspired by our vision on the future of the service supply chain.

Get in touch

Miranda Nooijen
Senior Consultant
Wouter Heijnen
Jan Willem Rustenburg
Founding Partner
E-mail us